maandag 16 september 2013

Another crochet collar/necklace

I could not resist, it was so much fun crocheting the collar necklace, that I decided to crochet one in a different colour combination. These are more my kind of colours, a warm oker yellow and a vibrant purple.

I have tried to take a picture of myself wearing the necklace, not easy, and the light certainly is not good, but it gives you an idea of the length of the necklace.

Het was zo leuk om dat groen met roze kraagje te haken, dat ik er meteen nog eentje heb gehaakt. Maar dan meer in 'mijn' soort kleuren: warm okergeel met donker paars.

Ik heb geprobeerd om enkele foto's te maken van mezelf met de gehaakte ketting aan, maar dat is niet eenvoudig. De lichtinval is helemaal niet goed, maar het geeft wel een idee van de lengte van de ketting.

zondag 15 september 2013


Today I am the featured vendor in Sedie's 45 days of giveaways!

You can win this lovely crochet necklace I made with pure silk and glass beads. 

Click here for a chance to win.

Vandaag kun je een gehaakte ketting van me winnen bij Sedie's 45 dagen van giveaways! Sedie wordt 45 jaar en besloot om 45 dagen na elkaar een giveaway te organiseren.

Je kunt deze gehaakte ketting winnen, ik maakte hem met zijdedraad en glaskralen.

Klik hier om deel te nemen. 

zaterdag 14 september 2013

Pretty in pink

Last week I bought some new silk thread in lovely colours. Two of those colours are bright pink and green.

Yesterday I tried a new design. I love those crochet collars. They are usually made with cotton thread but I thought I'd give it a try with my soft and shiny silk.

I adapted a pattern I found in Simply Crochet for a collar and this is the result.

Looking good, doesn't it? I'm really pleased with the result and can see a new line for my collection. What do you think?

Vorige week heb ik nieuwe zijdedraad gekocht, weer wat nieuwe kleurtjes en kleurencombinaties bij. Twee van die kleuren zijn fel roze en groen.

Gisteren ging ik ermee aan de slag. Tegenwoordig zie je vaak van die gehaakte kraagjes en ik vind die wel leuk. Meestal zijn ze gehaakt in katoendraad, maar ik dacht dat mijn zachte glanzende zijde hiervoor ook wel zou kunnen dienen.

Het patroon komt uit Simply Crochet, maar ik heb het wat aangepast. Dit is het resultaat.

Ziet er leuk uit, niet? Ik ben heel tevreden met het resultaat en zie hier een nieuwe lijn in voor mijn collectie. Wat denken jullie? Maak ik dit ook in andere kleurencombinaties?

woensdag 4 september 2013


Hello lovelies,

After a great summer, it is back to reality here. School started this week so my girls are picking up their routines, hubby is back to work and after my surgery I'm slowly getting back to work also.

 The Seine.

We have visited  Paris, went to see a friend who moved to Italy last year and opened a B&B in San Damiano d'Asti and ended with a week rest in the region of Lyon and Saint-Etienne in France.

Obviously there has been time to crochet! I have been looking for a case for my crochet hooks. Never found what I was looking for until ... I saw this case 
I immediately loved it.

So I rushed to the yarn shop and choose the colours I wanted and started. It is almost finihed now, all that is left to do is crochet the ribbon to close the case.

I have used Catania for this crochet hook case. 

The case is crocheted in a combination of single and double crochet stitches.
 I have used a white sewing thread to sew the different compartments for my crochet hooks. It is invisible.

My second work in progress is a wrap for my youngest daughter. Those of you who have a subscription to Simply Crochet also received the extra booklet with the last issue. The booklet is dedicated to crochet cotton and several cute patterns are featured in it, such as a the infinity scarf I am currently making.

The scarf is crocheted with hook size 1.5 mm and crochet cotton. My daughter picked the colours. She likes bright colours!

I have a huge stash of this cotton because I use it to crochet jewelry (besides silk). Needless to say it takes some time to crochet just one round :) But I like the result.

The idea is to repeat the coloured bands twice. I have only repeated the red so far, so still some work to do!